Sunday, April 15, 2007

the aging syndrome anecdote
just this friday, my officemates and clients, was having a chit chat after the final video production viewing. and of all the things that can be talked about... they have to start with the "coming of age".
my officemate is really freaking out with the fact that she will be turning 30 this year. and she was really having a dillema of sorts. in which, those who have already passed that age, gave her reassuring efforts about going at that stage. reminds me... when my cousins got to that age of 27, they all have it planned out that at that age, having a family is goal to be met. and seriously they did. it also reminded me about my friends who were so into the "we're-turning-twenty-four-so-start-planning-for-a-wedding" kind of mode. interesting discussion right?...

age. we do really count them like some sort of beads being tied to a string.
hmm... i always believed that maturity is what counts most. not the years that you have lived. it is just how we measure our lifespan enough to make everyone go loco over their own vanity. haha so how about you? any dillemas at getting yourself a year older?
; )

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