I borrowed the title from a close friend of mine. It was her YM status.
(Copyrighted by zyle "the foxymama" galinato in Vietnam)
Personally, I don’t really give a damn about the U.S. Presidential Election 2008. Between, Barack Obama and John McCain, they’re both a draw. Though they would greatly affect the world at large, I can’t really judge them unless they have already worked their ass off. On character, they’re both at their level, though they’re ages apart. Their platforms, well it’s nothing but the usual politician spiels (which by the way remains to be seen). On ideologies, they may differ, as it affects their root persona. But by closely comparing, they’re both the same, but with different tacks on handling things, solving problems, giving sound and definite solutions. Individually, they fought two different battles which showcased their true prowess–one shows his uncannily courageous leadership skills and the other, an underdog.
Just finished lunch when my friend announced that “it’s finished.”
At first I didn’t understand. What the fuck is finished? Did I missed a practically good joke? And then it dawned on me as I was seeing on her monitor the victory party of some sort. Obama wins the 44th U.S.Presidency. Barack Obama won. The underdog of the game. The multi-racial candidate. The youngest presidential candidate ever to have won. The first, black American President. John McCain put up a good fight. He may have conceded, but his honor is intact. And nothing more can be much greater than that.

Congratulations! U.S. President Barack Obama.
And best regards at your new position of being America’s ship captain.
And best regards at your new position of being America’s ship captain.
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