Friday, October 03, 2008

Another Busy Weekend

September is almost ending. I was geared up for the weekend becoming a literal weekend warrior as Friday turned to Saturday. I was useless the whole day (Friday) because of a hangover from a night out with friends to answer our weeklong craving for a beer. And it was a toss up when a friend of mine (from another batch) was confirming me to be available for a tv show shoot early Saturday. Ergo, I would have to tuck in to bed and get up early. It was a fun day Saturday. I’m back at the training grounds again. Feeling how my body would react especially my rehabilitating limb from the activity that I sorely miss because of my injury. And it was okay. Not okay just like before. Just okay, fine, I’m managing. Damn it. Here comes fear again. This time around I need to push harder. Fear instilled itself on my freaking body. I’m so eager to break him off from me. Hehe. Plus, I hang around with the guys again. I miss them really. It was fun to know that there are newbies in the group and that our troop is getting bigger :D we’ve got a handful of talented students. And a friend of mine manages to drop on by and join us^^ Yes! now, I’m not the only female in the group. Though we have other two who were not actively participating yet because of some other stuff. Yey! Now, my friend wants to join. By the way, she’s good. She could do pull ups better than I do. (okay, I can’t do pull ups really haha). And the shoot was cool. Aside from sitting side by side with a good-looking show host, our group is actually being featured in a show launching vehicle come Monday. (ooh I can’t wait. I made a booboo I think.) I was the group’s camera person that day. I don’t mind though because of my injury rehab. And my friend is really panicking with me lugging his camera while I jump and run around with them. Hahahaha I took cool hanging in the air motion shots. It was fun. we ended around 4pm. I have to rush immediately to a printing shop so I can ready all the equipments and materials I will use for my personal projects nearing its deadline. Good thing, it fell on a Tuesday. The good part is miscalculating my calendar. So I am one day ahead of the deadlines. Officially, it’s a Monday now. The whole Sunday was dedicated to my unfinished personal projects. And when I did get my sleep, I woke up with a clear head showing me reels of what I’ll be doing once I’m in the zone. Hehe. a couple of logo design ideas were popping up. But I don’t know as to what they’re for. I’ll deal with them some other time. I have to revise the writing project that I have. Not that I aim for it to be super duper Nobel-Prize award winning literary piece. I just want it to be uhm…a better-told story. Or something that my English teachers back in highschool would mark it in lieu of how the story would be told OR anyone would be able to understand what I’m babbling about. I am not a writer. I just love writing. I aim to improve my communication skills in writing, which I put on the sidelines to give way to talking visually. Now it’s done. Here comes the bigger project that I need to finish because I’ll be personally delivering it early morning. A mag cover and an exhibit piece is enough to keep me occupied. I encountered The Wall along the way, which rendered my concept forming capabilities null. But good thing I had an idea formed already, its just the works that’s bothering me. Thank God the submission deadline was extended til the end of the month. I was already moving along thinking everything is lost, but hope comes tugging me back for a moment.^^ ooh I love looking at myself smeared with and playing with paints hahaha I’m not to be bothered til my project’s finish. I miss doing this concept and mixing modern and traditional way of making a piece. Though it does look like a student work, I’m still happy as I applied the finishing touches. :D and for the last project, again, it’s a literary piece. I just want to enter something that I have done from the past, because it fell right smack on a theme. Just for the fun of submitting. Maybe some would see its worth or something. It’s just so tiring to read my own stuff when I can impart something (I wish) to others. Maybe they can make sense of it more than it made sense to me. So there. A busy but fun weekend.

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