another one ALMOST bites the dust
the hazards of working is when we cross paths with Fate.

as Don McLean aptly put it in the song American Pie "...They caught the last train for the coast / The day the music died." well most artists of the music industry were epitomized by plane crashes other than the usual car crashes, drugs and other stuff. just recently, the drummer of blink 182 (who declared themselves in hiatus) Travis Barker, got himself involved in a plane crash. see Yahoo!'s Stop the Presses about the news that almost ALMOST cut the drumming beats of one of today's most sought after drummer.

proving the Big Bang Theory
well, aside from the fact that it was now shutdown, to be re-scheduled to operate in the year 2009, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has made the news headline last month. Triumphed scientists, angered people (especially the most hardworking individuals), criticized by heck lot of people around the world for their seemingly lack of importance when it comes to solving world problems but can afford to build a machine that would just crush a couple of molecules or end the days of the world in an instant. According to Wikipedia: The LHC was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and lies underneath the Franco-Swiss border between the Jura Mountains near Geneva, Switzerland (Tintin Adventures!!!!haha). It is funded by and built in collaboration with over eight thousand physicists from over eighty-five countries as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories. The LHC circulated the first particle beams on 10 September 2008, but a few days later had to suspend operations due to equipment failure. Owing to the already planned winter shutdown, the collider will not be operational again until the spring of 2009.
Many have contested as to why in the world we have to build this thing (because it cost a lot... A LOT) just to prove if the big bang theory is true or not. scientifically, i believe that it would benefit our knowledge of the world that we live in. ON THE OTHER HAND, why not just build something that would benefit the a cure for AIDS, hunger, health issues concerns. how about addressing the immediate problems first? y'know, those kind of stuff that nobody dared to answer unless their own lives were on the line. oh well, that's just my point of view.
something from Libre
"Because no one has the right to deny another their life, eventhough they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8" -Brad Pitt
actually, i read this bit of showbiz chika about two days ago. it made me admire Brad Pitt even more hahaha (of course with a notable inclusion of his partner Mrs. Smith a.k.a Angelina Jolie). He donated $100,000 in support of gay marriage in Los Angeles, when it became legal back in June.
Proposition 8 is an initiative measure on the 2008 California General Election Ballot. If passed it would amend the California Constitution with a new section that would read "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." The measure, as submitted for the ballot by petitioners, is called the "California Marriage Protection Act." The ballot title, as prepared by the Attorney General Jerry Brown is "Eliminates Right of Same-sex Couples to Marry." - Wikipedia
artfully done
this wasn't in the papers nor in any internet news sites, web page, and what-have-yous. the problem with communication is trying to figure out what other people mean by what they are saying. even though, we're all speaking the same language (technical or otherwise) miscommunication is something of a hurdle that we have to contend with from each other. especially if it was used without even knowing what it means.
yeah. yeah. i'm always guilty of that too. because sometimes i use words in my own definition of it. so, yes, that's why i at most wanted to explain what i mean about what the fuck am i saying. my bluntness causes me too much. but okay, this one is the epitome of all the phrases that i have come across. I AM NOT GOOD AT PHRASES. but this one stumped me big time. hahaha artfully done means in good taste. well thats me if i were to put it in layman's term. but i encountered this in a revision of which i could not comprehend if i will take it as an insult or just a problem that needs to be addressed. and i do take constructive criticism because it helps in one way or another. the story: in the JO (job order) i have to revised a compre flyer that features a snowflake/s. well to make the flyer look "elegant" as what they wanted... minimal design elements is a way to go (rather than clutter it with too much design elements that by the way, has a big family photo in it as a main visual) – thus, snowflakes. and it came back with this: the snowflake design is approved. but make it look artfully done. after i finish reading this, i was like HUH? WHA? (eyes bulging with mouth wide open smiley here). and my head was lost in space. how in the world would i make it look "artfully done"? color is out. we've tried that before and it sucks big time. too much snowflake loses the elegance that they so wanted. lesser and it would bomb right out. so what do they mean? arrange it in a single file? or do i have to draw eyes and mouth on it? do i have to make it fly, dance? or what?
a day later it came back with the same revision but this time they made it clearer. what they mean about "artfully done" is make more snowflakes. my God! so okay, i made a snowstorm of snowflake just to appease their minds.